Historian Rosa Maria Alabrús

Rosa Maria Alabrús, born on this day in 1960, is a historian who focuses her studies on the social history of Early Modern Spain.

She has published various essays and books, for example the one in which she analyzes the significance of Catalan women who took part in the War of the Spanish Succession on the Habsburg side, from 1706 to 1714. She characterizes this article as ‘an attempt of social history on the role of women in early eighteenth century Catalan society’.

Subjects related to women and religion are also a focus of her studies, such as ‘The suffering of domestic violence and the convent as a space for freedom: the case of Suor Angela Serafina’.

Her latest book ‘Razones y emociones femeninas’ (‘Female Reasons and Emotions’) concerns nun Hipólita de Rocabertí and Catalan religious women in the 16th and 17th century.

Photo: UAO CEU

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